Travel restrictions may change in a short time. Therefore, it is essential to be informed of the latest rules before the flight. Travel restrictions of the respective countries can also be found on the IATA website ( (there is no guarantee of accuracy). Entrance to the terminal building is restricted to passengers only.

This leads directly to the entry forms:
•    Entry form -  Switzerland
•    Entry form -  Germany

1.Please be at the Airport 3 hours before flight
2.Only passengers will be allowed to enter the terminal building
3.Please wear masks all the time
4.Please keep 1.5 meter distance between each-other!
5. Stay at home if you are ill  Only start your journey if you feel healthy. Stay at home with symptoms such as: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell.
6. Observe entry regulations
Find out about the entry regulations at your destination. Download the relevant immigration forms and fill them out before you travel.